
End of hostilities - Vol 03 - Sardinia - Villacidro - Part 2

In addition to the 12 Ju 88s covered in part 1 there were a coule of handfuls of other aircraft models found at Villacidro, and you can find them detailed in the table below.

No Type of aircraft Works No. & Acceptance date Markings Engine type and No. Remarks Loss record
13 Ju 52
W.N. on fin 3549 on rudder 22 
14 Me 109 W.N. 18454G white
Wrecked Info
15 Me 109 G W.N. 10895 H + on white band

16 He 111 H-II W.N. 110157 I H x H (yellow) R
17 He 111 H.II W.N. 7112 I H x F (white) H
Crest. "Vestigium Leonis" in black on white shield.
18 He 111 H.II  W.N. 7257 I H x L (outlined white) X
19 He 111 W.N. 8125 I H x D (yellow) P
20 Fi 156 W.N. probably 0098
Burnt out

21Fi 156
Burnt out
Other aircraft models found at Villacidro

I have not been able to find loss records for the KG 26 aircraft listed here.

Maybe a KG 26 expert can give a hint towards why these were seemingly not reported in the loss records?

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