
6. Abteilung des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Generalquartiermeister) - part II

This blog post starts the coverage of the Gruppe I in the organizational chart of the 6. Abteilung des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Generalquartiermeister).

As stated in the first post of this series, this unit was responsible for organization and evaluation - resources, aviation fuel and loss registration and interpretation - for the entire Luftwaffe.

The Gruppe I was divided into five subdivisions, named

I A, I B, I C, I D and I S

The responsibilities and staff size of division I A was:

 Organisatorische Maßnahmen auf dem Gebiet der Rüstung, des Nachschubs und der Beuteerfassung, (Organizational responsibility for armament, resupply and evaluation of captured equipment and supplies)

Zusammenfassende Bearbeitung aller die Abteilung betreffende Rüstungs- und Nachschubfragen (General responsibility for handling all topics related to armament and resupply),

Rüstungslage im Großen (General armament situation),

Überwachung und Vereinfachung des Meldewesens (Supervision and simplification of the reporting systems),

Bearbeitung grundsätzlicher Verfügungen und Anordnungen betr. Einsatzbereitschaft der Fliegertruppe, Flakartillerie und Ln.-Truppe (Handling of the general orders, instructions and decrees related to the readiness state of the flying units, anti-aircraft units and aviation intelligence units),

Überwachung der Kontingentierung der Roh- und Werkstoffe vom Standpunkt der Führung (Supervision of the allocation of raw materials and other production materials from a management point of view),

Zusammanfassende Bearbeitung der Abgaben an verbündete und befreundete Mächte (General responsibility for handling topics related to deliveries to allied and befriended nations).

The personnel staff of division IA was 1! officer with general staff rank and education. In addition he shared a staff of 8 typists with division I B.

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