
6. Abteilung des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Generalquartiermeister) - part III

This is the second installment covering the Gruppe I in the organizational chart of the 6. Abteilung des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Generalquartiermeister).

The responsibilities and staff size of division I B was:

 Zusammenfassende Auswertung der Einsatzbereitschaft der Luftwaffe in personeller u. materieller Hinsicht und der Rüstungsstatistik (Combination and evaluation of the readiness status with regards to personnel and equipment),

Statistische Erfassung und Auswertung aller materiellen und personellen Verluste der Luftwaffe und Auswertung für Terminmeldungen (Recording and analysis of statistics on the losses of equipment and personnel in the Luftwaffe for use in periodical reporting),

Erfassung und Auswertung der monatlichen Flugzeugbewegungsmeldungen (
Recording and analysis of the monthly reports on movement in unit aircraft strength),

Zusammenfassung der Monatsmeldungen (Responsible for combining the monthly reports).

The personnel staff of division I B was two Beamte (this indicating that they did not necessarily need to be military personnel and could be civil servants),  1 A. (I think this is an artist or maybe just Angestellter - a general worker or office clerk?), 8 Zeichner (artists with drawing as main area of expertise) 1 A./Soldat (Steindrucker) which would be a clerk or soldier of non-officer rank doing litographic work. In addition there was the shared staff of 8 typists, shared with division I A.

Examples of the documents which is still surviving from this unit is the "Übersicht über Soll, Istbestand, Einsatzbereitschaft, Verluste und Reserven der fliegenden Verbänden", the example shown below from the reporting date of January 11th 1941:

Overview of established strength, actual strength, loss numbers and other statistical data from division I B
Other examples are the strength reports for the individual units - and one can easily understand why a rather large number of artists would be necessary in the unit:

Aircraft and personnel strength report for ZG 76 on January 25th 1941

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